Variety 6-pack

One of each of our top 6 flavors in one box!

Number of boxes:

Included In Variety Pack
Birthday Cake

1 Bar

Chocolate Peanut Butter

1 Bar

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

1 Bar

Mint Chocolate Chip

1 Bar

Vanilla Bean

1 Bar

Toasted Mallow

1 Bar


How We're Different

Made By Hand

We’d make it with our hearts if we could, but we do make it by hand. It is our mission to ensure that what’s going into our products and how they’re made follow the strictest of guidelines and deliver on our ultimate promise to you — creating the delicious and nutritious on-the-go snack bar that you truly love and enjoy.

We're Chill

FROzen PROtein. Get it? OK, that wasn’t so chill. Let’s try that again! Our delicious snacks are best served chilled. But, maybe you’re a rebel. Maybe you like to eat them at room temperature, or even warm. Standing on your head. Throwing weights around. And that’s chill, too! However you choose to enjoy your FROPRO, they can be enjoyed at any temperature.

Protein Rich

Having 9-10 grams of protein in a delicious on-the-go snack package feels like victory. It feels like that extra little push to make it to the finish line. FROPROs are designed to provide just enough protein to make you feel satisfied and energized, but leave room for dinner. Stay rich in protein, stay rich in life-ness.

Hand Selected Ingredients

We exist in a world of processed things. What we put into our mouths fuels our bodies and minds. That’s why we felt like it was a no-brainer to ensure that every ingredient in our delicious snacks comes from a good place, because it ends up in a good place! Your belly. Where was that buy button again?

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